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Into the Deep Blue Hour with Peter Stamm

Published on September 21, 2024 at 8:59 p.m. / Modified on September 21, 2024 at 9:38 p.m.

In the fading light of the evening, a disturbing phenomenon occurs: the sky suddenly becomes a dark and intense blue. It is the blue hour. Peter Stamm’s new novel seeks to describe this temporal fold, not only in the sky but in souls. Its narrator, Andrea, in her forties, is searching for herself; she experiences a similar suspension before changing her life, or at least her way of seeing life.

The phenomenon also occurs at dawn, marking a beginning as much as an end: “This morning, I got up early, but I stayed in bed. I like this blue hour between night and day, this state between sleep and wakefulness,” says the narrator. The whole novel would like to capture this in-between, a moment of tension and grace. This transitory color is what vibrates in Andrea, the life that passes through her.

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