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Morocco continues to support the strengthening of African capacities in the field of health care

Morocco continues to support the strengthening of African capacities in the field of health care and remains ready to welcome more candidates from member states for internships and clinical medical training, said, Wednesday in Vienna, the ambassador permanent representative of Morocco to the International Organizations in Vienna, Azzeddine Farhane.

In a speech at an event held on the sidelines of the 68th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regarding the Agency’s “Rays of Hope” initiative, Mr. Farhane recalled the designation last year of the National Institute of Oncology in Rabat (INO) as an IAEA anchor center, as part of the long-standing partnership between Morocco and the IAEA.

Even before the establishment of an anchoring center in Rabat, the INO had been designated since 2003 as a regional training center of the Cooperation Agreement for Africa on Research, Development and Training in the Field of Nuclear Science and Technology (AFRA), he said, stressing that the Institute has trained many doctors, radiotherapy technologists and medical physicists.

Read also: Nuclear applications: Morocco and the IAEA strengthen their partnership

Furthermore, the diplomat recalled that since its launch, Morocco has supported the “Rays of Hope” initiative, which is a continuation of the two side-events chaired by the DG of the IAEA, Rafael Mariano Grossi, on the occasion of the celebration of World Cancer Day in 2021 and 2022.

Indeed, Morocco, as President of the 64th session of the IAEA General Conference, organized a high-level panel on cervical cancer in Africa, Mr. Farhane said, noting that subsequently a resolution was submitted by the G77 and adopted to support the IAEA’s efforts in the fight against cancer. He concluded that the “Rays of Hope” initiative, which aims to mitigate the impact of cancer worldwide and particularly in Africa, is today considered a flagship program of the IAEA, successful and having a considerable impact.

With MAP


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