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Winter wheat: 2022-2024 yields at a glance

Among the results presented by the White Paper on Cereals in September, we find the yields obtained by 33 confirmed wheat varieties, under different cultivation methods.

The observation of a variety over several years allows us to determine its stability and its adaptation to the soil and climate context of the region. The choice of a variety must therefore be made on the observation of its characteristics over the past year but also on its stability over several years. The farmer’s experience and the adaptation of the variety to the context of the farm are also important criteria for making this choice.

The results in terms of yields presented below come from the experiment conducted by various partner Walloon institutions, namely: the Walloon Centre for Agronomic Research (Cra-w), the Liège Provincial Centre for Plant and Market Gardening Production (Cpl-Végémar), the Centre for Agronomy and Agro-Industry of the Province of Hainaut (Carah), the Pilot Centre for Oilseed and Protein Cereals (Cepicop) and ULiège Gembloux Agro-BioTech.

The trials in this network are conducted using 3 different cultivation methods, namely: without fungicide protection (Untreated), with a single fungicide treatment (Single treatment) and with complete protection (PC).

For better readability, the yields of each variety are expressed relative to the average of four control varieties common to each trial: Chevignon, Crossway, KWS Extase and WPB Calgary.

33 “confirmed” varieties

Thirty-three varieties called “confirmed” were selected for the development of the results of this network. A variety is called “confirmed” when it has been evaluated for at least three years of trials in the Walloon post-registration network with a minimum of one trial per region per year (Western Hainaut, Hesbaye and South Sambre-Meuse). If a variety has been registered in the Belgian catalogue, two years of trials in the Walloon post-registration network, with a minimum of one trial per region per year, are sufficient.

Tables 1 and 2 present the multi-year results from 2022 to 2024 for the 33 confirmed varieties grown with complete fungal protection (CP) and without fungicide protection (Untreated). Yields are expressed as a percentage relative to the average of the 4 common controls.

According to the White Paper,

September 2024


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