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Switzerland: Minor applicants must be able to be searched

Minor applicants must also be able to be searched

The National wants to strengthen security in asylum centres even if the modalities for protecting minors are debated.

Published today at 11:56 a.m.

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Minor asylum seekers should also be able to be subjected to searches. The National Party rejected on Wednesday the left’s desire to better protect them, after being in the process of discussing a Federal Council project aimed at strengthening security in asylum centres.

The project implements improvements recommended following an investigation by former federal judge Niklaus Oberholzer. It was commissioned after media reports in 2021 of disproportionate use of force in federal asylum centres.

Everyone agreed on the need to act in this area. The debates were however heated on the manner. Some of the deputies, supported by the Swiss Refugee Aid Organisation, demanded better protection for minor applicants, for example by exempting them from searches except in exceptional cases. In vain.

The debate continues on another point that is causing much discussion: the use of weapons that the UDC wants to authorise for security personnel.


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