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“I have a Cnav, Agirc-Arrco, Ratp, Ircantec pension… Am I entitled to the increase?”

Being a multiple pensioner, that is to say receiving a retirement pension from several different schemes, having spent part of your career in the private sector and then in the public sector for example, does not prevent you from being eligible for the exceptional increase for a small pension. Provided you meet the conditions for access to this boost.

Question from Cortepro, September 12, 2024

“Hello. Born in 1954, I am a multi-pensioner (Ratp, Ircantec, Cnav, Humanis, etc.), with 150 quarters contributed to the general Cnav scheme and 1,284 euros of cumulative pension. Am I entitled to the exceptional increase? Thank you, have a nice day.”

Hello Cortepro and thank you for your question. We submitted it, along with a selection of readers’ questions, to the National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV). First of all, let us remind you that we cannot give you a certain answer on your eligibility. However, we can reassure you on one point: No, being a multiple pensioner does not prevent you from benefiting from this exceptional increase.

In fact, you claim to have paid more than 120 quarters of contributions to the Cnav, since you indicate having 150. And in your full testimony you indicate having 28 quarters of contributions to the RATP, which probably means that you retired at full rate. And you claim to receive “1,284 euros of cumulative pension”, which would be below the overall ceiling (1,352.23 euros per month). You seem to meet the conditions for the exceptional increase but…

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There is still some missing information, as the Cnav points out to us. What is the amount of your basic Cnav pension? And is the cumulative pension mentioned gross or net? If it is a net pension, then the gross equivalent risks exceeding the ceiling of 1,352.23 euros per month. And finally, let us recall the other ceiling: your basic pension (that of the Cnav) must be less than the ceiling of 847.57 euros, gross.

While waiting to receive, or not, the letter putting an end to the suspense this week, you can test the official simulator on the Retirement Insurance website.

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