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Julie Taton case in Mons: only 2 possible appeals remain for the MR MP before the local elections

We take stock, date by date, since the arrival of the former RTL presenter at the MR.

Friday January 12: Taton joins the MR

Big surprise at the start of 2024. After the arrival of Marc Ysaye, the Reformist Movement announces the arrival of Julie Taton (40 years old) on the federal list of the MR in Hainaut, alongside Georges-Louis Bouchez, first, and ahead of federal deputy Denis Ducarme.

Important clarification: Taton (at the end of his contract with NRJ) does not live in Hainaut but legally, candidates are not obliged to live in the province where they are running for federal elections, which is not the case for local elections where you have to live in the municipality where you are running.

At a press conference on January 12, 2024, Georges-Louis Bouchez poses with Julie Taton. ©Photo News

Friday March 22: MR presents its Hainaut list for the federal elections

Two months after the surprise announcement, the MR unveils its Hainaut list for the federal elections. Georges-Louis Bouchez, Julie Taton and Denis Ducarme will draw the list, which includes candidates from Thuin, Chimay, Momignies and Ham-sur-Heure-Nalinnes.

The MR has presented its list for Hainaut for the federal elections. © NBIDOUL

Julie Taton’s fate sealed on September 24 at the latest

Sunday June 9: Taton is easily elected

On Sunday, June 9, 2024, Belgians vote in the federal, regional and European elections. Newly arrived at the MR in the Hainaut constituency, Julie Taton is easily elected as federal deputy.

She signs a score of 23,633 votes. And assures: “In six months in the field, I learned a lot of things. I learned above all that politics is a beautiful human adventure. I didn’t believe it, I admit it to you in all sincerity. I met incredible people on a human level. People who support you, people who listen to you, people who believe in you. There is a kindness. That’s what will help me gain this assurance and this confidence”.

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In six months in the field, I learned a lot. I learned above all that politics is a wonderful human adventure. I didn’t believe it, I admit it to you in all sincerity.

Thursday July 18: Taton presents himself on the “Mons en Mieux” list for the local elections

On the evening of Thursday, July 18, as part of the general meeting of the “Mons en Mieux” list, the liberal party announced that Julie Taton would be in second position on the list for the municipal elections in Mons.

The former Miss Belgium, originally from Namur and living in Walloon Brabant until recently, has thus taken up residence in the Mons region. We think.

Tuesday August 20: Taton cannot attend Mons

Surprise on Tuesday, August 20: Julie Taton cannot appear in Mons. Indeed, a police report states that the federal MP refused to change her address.

To run on the “Mons en Mieux” list led by Georges-Louis Bouchez, Julie Taton must leave her home in Walloon Brabant (in Lasne) and move to Mons, where she is said to have moved into an apartment belonging to the president of the MR.

The change of address had to be validated by the municipal administration on the basis of a police investigation. This would have resulted in a report of non-registration.

Wednesday August 21: appeal and filing of criminal complaint

Following this refusal, the MR – through its president – announced that it was appealing to the Ministry of the Interior and filing a criminal complaint for “disclosure of private information”.

For the Mayor’s list, led by Nicolas Martin (PS), “Georges-Louis Bouchez flouts the most basic rules.”

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The MR president flouts the most basic rules

Julie Taton in Mons? The improbable vaudeville

Friday August 30: Taton files a complaint against X

On Friday, August 30, ten days after the start of the “Julie Taton saga”, the candidate filed a complaint against an unknown person for disclosing personal information in the press.

Her lawyer, Mr Romain Delcoigne, testifies. “Mrs Julie Taton was forced to file a complaint against an unknown person for several offences relating to the disclosure of various information relating to her private life and covered by secrecy.”

Thursday, September 12: an emergency municipal college convened

Five days ago, a new twist occurred in the “Tatongate”. An emergency municipal college was convened in Mons to rule on this case. It will take place the following day. The two lawyers of the liberal MP will be present.

On the Mons en Mieux side, they remain confident: “Julie will be on the lists because they cannot prevent her from being there. The procedure could take several months but we are calm because there was only one police visit, instead of three.”

Moreover, the party has filed its list for the local elections and this list, with Julie Taton in 2nd position, has been validated by the authorities. It is up to the courts to decide whether or not this provisional registration can become definitive.

Friday September 13: the municipal college sticks to its positions

This Friday, September 13, the municipal college met and gave its verdict: the entire procedure was respected and Julie Taton’s arguments do not demonstrate that she should have been registered in the voters’ register. The complaint filed is admissible but unfounded.

The case will therefore continue in court, with Taton announcing that she has filed a new appeal.

Monday, September 16: New setback for Taton and a double fine

This Monday, September 16, Julie Taton suffered a new setback. The French-speaking court of first instance in Brussels rejected her request for emergency registration in the Mons voter register.

The Brussels justice system considers that it is not the place to which one should urgently request provisional registration in the population and voters register.

Another blow for the former Miss Belgium: she has been ordered to pay compensation to the Belgian state and the city of Mons to the tune of 1,800 euros each.

The decision has been made: Julie Taton cannot be registered on the Mons voters’ register

Wednesday September 18: appeal examined at the Mons Court of Appeal

Julie Taton’s appeal against the decision taken on Friday 13 September by the Mons municipal council will be examined this Wednesday morning at the Mons Court of Appeal.

The session will take place at 8:30 a.m., before the 21st Civil Chamber of the Court of Appeal. The hearing will be public.

A last resort with the Ministry of the Interior

If the appeal of September 18 is unsuccessful, there would remain a last resort. This was launched with the Ministry of the Interior last August. But no response has been communicated so far.

Why? It seems that the application is incomplete. This file must therefore be completed before… September 18. The electoral lists are definitively finalized on September 19.

In other words, time is running out.

“A police investigation completed in 6 days”

As a reminder, the request for domiciliation was submitted online on July 14. The former host then went on vacation until August 2. Without mentioning her dates of unavailability.

However, to be recognised as a candidate in Mons, Julie Taton had to prove that she lived in the commune between 14 July and 1 August.

The police investigation was finally completed in six days, between July 21 and 29: as the materiality of Julie Taton’s presence in her home in Mons could not be proven, she was notified of a refusal of domiciliation.

Before the municipal council, her lawyers declared: “The investigation should have, according to the regulations of the city of Mons, spread over a period of 15 days. Here it only lasted 6 days, from July 21 to July 29, a period during which Julie Taton was on vacation, a fact that is publicly known. She could not physically be present at her home. At the very earliest, the city of Mons should not have made a decision before August 2.”

This college therefore offered Julie Taton to reside in Mons in September. If the liberal had accepted this request, this would have cancelled the request for residency of 14 July and therefore she would not have been able to run.


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