Presidential candidate Édouard Philippe promises “a form of rupture”
DayFR Euro

Presidential candidate Édouard Philippe promises “a form of rupture”

Invited to BFMTV on Wednesday, a week after having made his intentions official for 2027, the former prime minister said he was “determined” but in no way “hurried”.

The break, version 2024. Two decades after the one enacted by Nicolas Sarkozy against his former mentor Jacques Chirac, here is Édouard Philippe renewing the style, by proposing his vision of the future and the reforms to be carried out. Candidate for a week in the next presidential election, despite a persistent political fog, the former prime minister promised “a form of rupture” with Emmanuel Macron.

“We still are. If we want to change things, we have to be in the break”hammered the leader of the Horizons party on Wednesday evening on BFMTV. Before indicating what his mandate could look like: “It won’t be Thatcher, it won’t be Macron, it will be Philippe. I’m not trying to imitate anyone.” While the first head of government of the President of the Republic hopes to propose a project «massif» to the voters, he showed himself “worried that France is giving up”. “With so many small renunciations and small comforts, it ceases to have the ambition of being the country that must be powerful, prosperous, just and free.”the mayor of Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) was alarmed. Who does not believe that the nation “will get by with small adjustments, a measure that will do some good, but will not be up to the challenge.”

“Profound transformations”

Faced with the risk of frightening the French with a programme that was too radical, he took care to qualify his remarks: “There are things that are permanent: we transform France, we don’t change it completely.” With such determination, will the program be unveiled soon? “The time will come (…) We must choose a certain number of areas where profound transformations will be necessary,” he insisted.

Regretting that the 2022 presidential debate has “was a little too limited on the possible options and the scope of the programs”that of the 2024 legislative elections was completely «absent»Édouard Philippe hears “to present” his ambitions to the French before the 2027 election. A deadline for which the former Prime Minister said he was “determined” without being “press”. As a response to his detractors, who found the timing of the announcement of his candidacy surprising.


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