Gérald Darmanin postpones his political return to Tourcoing
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Gérald Darmanin postpones his political return to Tourcoing

The resigning Minister of the Interior was due to hold his traditional meeting in his stronghold on September 15 to discuss “social issues” with, in particular, Rachida Dati and Élisabeth Borne.

See you two weeks later. The resigning Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, has finally decided to postpone his political return, initially scheduled for Sunday, September 15 in Tourcoing.

“We are postponing the political return to Tourcoing to Sunday, September 29, around the social question,” elected officials and deputies were informed by message on Tuesday, September 10, according to information from BFMTV.

The reason for this change: “to prevent personal issues from prevailing over substantive issues,” the communication states. While the new Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, has been consulting party by party for several days in order to try to form a new unifying government.

According to a source close to Emmanuel Macron on BFMTV, Gérald Darmanin was mentioned at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – but the latter had assured before the legislative elections on BFM Grand Lille that he wanted to “leave the government and sit in the Assembly”.

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The timing is not conducive to a proper political return. Indeed, “elementary republican elegance requires letting the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister work on the composition of a government and not hindering this particular political moment,” the entourage of the now deputy of the 10th constituency of the North explained to BFMTV.

“In addition, a festive ceremony following the Olympic and Paralympic Games will be held on September 14. It will mobilize all law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of the Interior until Sunday morning, requiring a strong commitment from the minister,” added Gérald Darmanin’s entourage.

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Sunday, September 29, the meeting will still be from 12:00 to 18:30 at the botanical garden of Tourcoing. More than 1,000 guests as well as parliamentarians and experts are expected to discuss “The social question”.

Rachida Dati and Élisabeth Borne will be present. One absence will be noted, however: Gérald Darmanin’s great rival, the late Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal.

Thomas Soulié with Hortense de Montalivet


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