“The Prime Minister seems to have adopted” LR’s proposals, according to Gérard Larcher – Libération
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“The Prime Minister seems to have adopted” LR’s proposals, according to Gérard Larcher – Libération

In an interview with “Le Figaro” on Monday, September 9, the President of the Senate believes that Les Républicains will be able to participate in the government of Michel Barnier, who comes from their ranks.

The right will probably participate in Michel Barnier’s government because the Prime Minister has “made one’s own” its main proposals, estimated the president (LR) of the Senate Gérard Larcher in an interview with Figaro published this Monday, September 9. “The Prime Minister seems to have adopted our proposals and I believe that we will be able to participate in the government,” This is what the president of the upper house said. “This seems logical to me because the dialogue that we have established with Michel Barnier is fluid and I have no doubt that he can provide us with the necessary guarantees. I have confidence in him,” he adds.

On Friday, the leaders of the LR deputies and senators, Laurent Wauquiez and Bruno Retailleau, had indicated that the right would make its decision on participation in the government based on Michel Barnier’s program on purchasing power, public finances, immigration and security. They had left this uncertainty hanging even though Michel Barnier also belongs to LR.

“No repeal of pension reform”

By asking his «conditions», Through proposals formulated in July, the right has “insisted on two points”, recalls Larcher: “No tax increases and no repeal of pension reformon which we are ready to make adjustments”.

Asked about the possibility of Barnier expanding his government to include left-wing figures, the President of the Senate observed that “The left has closed the door by rejecting the Bernard Cazeneuve hypothesis, by refusing any participation in collective reflection, everything is said”. “This left, which has threatened any government not led by Ms (Lucie) Castets, has not shown, in my eyes, any sense of responsibility.” Before adding: “She put herself out there.”


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