LFI MP Sébastien Delogu “solemnly” asks Yaël Braun-Pivet to return his Palestinian flag
DayFR Euro

LFI MP Sébastien Delogu “solemnly” asks Yaël Braun-Pivet to return his Palestinian flag

A few days before the European elections, the Insoumis had brandished this banner in the middle of the Chamber. A gesture which had excluded him for two weeks from the work of the National Assembly.

His gesture earned him the strongest sanction that can be imposed on a deputy. A few days before the European elections, LFI Sébastien Delogu brandished a Palestinian flag on May 28 in the middle of the Chamber, during the traditional questions to the government (QAG). An attitude contrary to the rules of the National Assembly, and to the general instructions of the Bureau, which earned the close friend of Jean-Luc Mélenchon to be excluded from the work for fifteen days. And to lose half of his parliamentary allowance for two months.

If the dissolution allowed the Insoumis to regain, after his re-election, all the prerogatives linked to his function, he has lost none of his anger towards the president of the National Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet. Who, like the entire presidential camp, had strongly condemned a behavior «inadmissible».

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Two months after the events, the elected representative of Bouches-du-Rhône asks “solemnly” to recover the flag that had been seized from him by the bailiffs of the Lower House. In a letter sent this Monday to the holder of the perch, Sébastien Delogu considers that this emblem, “symbol of a colonized and massacred people”was given to him “confiscated”. “Like all the symbols that were once the means of denouncing the worst atrocities”it would not be «plus» on “property” than that of the Palais Bourbon.

Since the State of Palestine is not recognised by France, despite repeated calls from the left since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas, the parliamentarian considers that the green, white, black and red flag, “belongs to those who fight, in Palestine or elsewhere, for the dignity of the human being and against the blind and barbaric oppression of the most barbaric on the most deprived.” A rhetoric tackled by his RN colleague Julien Odoul: “Born before shame”.

While the positioning of La France Insoumise on the Hamas terrorist attack in Israel on October 7, 2023 has isolated it from the rest of the political field, to the point of having fractured the ancestor of the NFP – the Nupes – the movement coordinated by Manuel Bompard continues its strategy of conflictualization. Believing that the latter was beneficial in the European elections, where the list carried by Manon Aubry but especially the Franco-Syrian activist Rima Hassan came close to 10% of the votes.


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