Paris ring road at 50 km/h, Michel Barnier continues consultations, slowdown in inflation… the news of this Monday, September 9 – Libération
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Paris ring road at 50 km/h, Michel Barnier continues consultations, slowdown in inflation… the news of this Monday, September 9 – Libération

The editorial staff of Libération summarizes the main news of Monday, September 9.

Every evening, the editorial staff of Liberation selects the news of the day that you should not miss in France and the rest of the world.

Michel Barnier continues his consultations

The new Prime Minister Michel Barnier, who must appoint his government in the coming days, continues to consult political actors at Matignon. This Monday, September 9, he saw the representatives of the centrist Liot group at 3 p.m. On Sunday, it was the figures of Horizons, including Edouard Philippe, who were received. Laurent Marcangeli, president of the group in the Assembly, highlighted “convergences” with the new tenant of Matignon, not excluding the participation of his party in the government. The new Prime Minister from the LR ranks would be working on the creation of a Ministry of Immigration, claims France Info this Monday afternoon. All the information of the day to be found in our live.

The political crisis opened by the dissolution on June 9 has had consequences on economic activity. While INSEE has kept its forecast for gross domestic product growth unchanged for 2024, at 1.1% – the same as in the latest budget documents from Bercy – statisticians have noted disruptions in companies’ expectations this summer. These have been “shaken by political uncertainties”they write in their latest economic update. Household consumption, however, remains sluggish despite disinflation.

This is another development in a case that seems endless. Nearly two months after the publication of a first report implicating Abbé Pierre – who died in 2007 – for acts of sexual assault committed between the end of the 1970s and 2005 on seven women (more than twenty have now spoken out), the investigation unit of Radio France revealed new documents on Monday, September 9. In particular, handwritten letters written by the priest, threatening people around him questioning his behavior.

The Paris ring road will increase to 50 km/h from October 1st

No more going back. The mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, warned on Monday, September 9, on RTL that the Paris ring road would be reduced to 50 km/h. “on October 1st”, or in just a few weeks. “We have been working on it since 2018, it is not a new subject,” stressed the socialist, before adding: “We have votes on the subject at the Paris Council, very unanimously, since 2018.”

It’s a (big) page in French basketball that is turning. The departure of the coach of the Blues, Vincent Collet, was made official by the French Basketball Federation on Monday, September 9, after a fifteen-year mandate concluded with a new medal, the silver won at the Paris Olympic Games. He leaves his position as coach with, by far, the most beautiful record at the head of the Blues, which he took over in 2009 to replace Michel Gomez: eight medals, including one title (Euro-2013), the only one in their history

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