“For Michel Barnier, fifty shades of support”
DayFR Euro

“For Michel Barnier, fifty shades of support”

COUNTERPOINT – Whether in the support of the LR, the Macronist party, the left or the RN, everything is a matter of nuance for the new prime minister.

Alfred de Musset could no longer write ” A door must be opened or closed ” as all the players in the new political game indulge in nuance and deny themselves clarity.

Like any prime minister, Michel Barnier must start by ensuring his support. First to form his government, then to advance in the National Assembly. However, Gabriel Attal’s successor is in a paradoxical situation. He is surrounded by a fairly broad benevolence in principle, extending to that of the National Rally. But for all that, no force claims to support him or help him unconditionally.

Also read“The negotiations will be tough”: between Barnier and Macron, the dawn of a cohabitation that does not say its name

A member of LR, the former European Commissioner is the only one of the participants in the 2021 primary to have never broken with his party, neither before (Xavier Bertrand, Valérie Pécresse), nor after (Éric Ciotti). In fact, the party led by Laurent Wauquiez, Bruno Retailleau and Gérard Larcher welcomed its…

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