Suspicions of Iranian missile deliveries to Russia, capture of a village not far from Pokrovsk… News of the war in Ukraine this Monday, September 9 – Libération
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Suspicions of Iranian missile deliveries to Russia, capture of a village not far from Pokrovsk… News of the war in Ukraine this Monday, September 9 – Libération

EU claims Russia received Iranian missile deliveries, Moscow does not deny

The European Union assured on Monday that the West had “credible information” on Iranian ballistic missile deliveries to Russia, an accusation that Moscow has not rejected, unlike Tehran. “We are reviewing the matter with member states, and if confirmed, this delivery would represent a significant material escalation in Iran’s support for Russia’s illegal war of aggression against Ukraine,” assured Peter Stano, spokesman for the EU diplomatic service.

According to the Wall Street Journal, The United States has informed its European allies of the delivery of Iranian short-range missiles to Russia, at a time when the latter is stepping up attacks against Ukrainian cities and infrastructure. “The unanimous position of European leaders has always been clear. The European Union will respond swiftly and in coordination with its international partners, including by taking new and significant restrictive measures against Iran,” added the spokesman. NATO, for its part, warned against the risk “substantial escalation”, if these deliveries were confirmed.

UN fears winter and cold coming for Ukrainian civilians

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said Monday he fears the effects of winter on Ukrainians, denouncing a series of Russian attacks targeting energy infrastructure that are causing power cuts across the country. “In Ukraine, civilians are trapped in cycles of terror,” This was stated by Volker Türk in a general speech before the Human Rights Council. He thus pointed out the “constant attacks by the Russian Federation on civilian facilities such as hospitals, schools and supermarkets, and repeated waves targeting energy infrastructure and causing power outages across the country”.

Volker Türk also said: “regretted” that Russia “has so far refused” to grant his office access to Russian regions affected by the conflict, “including Kursk”, the scene of an offensive by Kyiv’s forces since August 6.

Russian military claims capture of new village in eastern Ukraine

The Russian army said on Monday it had captured a new village in the Donetsk region of eastern Ukraine, near the strategic town of Pokrovsk. It is in this region that the Kremlin’s troops have been advancing rapidly in recent weeks. The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement that its soldiers had seized the village of Memryk, about 20 kilometers from Pokrovsk and less than 5 kilometers from the town of Selydove. On Sunday, the Russian army had already declared that it had taken control of another town in the area, Novogrodivka. An important logistical hub for the Ukrainian army, Pokrovsk has been the target for several weeks of Russian troops superior in terms of both men and weapons.

On August 6, while its soldiers are in difficulty in the east of the country, the Ukrainian army launched a large-scale attack in the Kursk region, seizing several hundred square kilometers according to Kyiv. Ukraine hoped in this way to force Moscow to redeploy its regiments which are posted in the Donetsk region and thus slow their advances, but the Russian soldiers continue to advance for the time being.


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