Hollande ready to censor Barnier, 50 km/h ring road, international enthusiasm for the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games… The 3 news items to remember at midday
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Hollande ready to censor Barnier, 50 km/h ring road, international enthusiasm for the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games… The 3 news items to remember at midday

THE POINT OF NOON – Find the main news published this Monday, September 9 in the morning on our site.

Michel Barnier Prime Minister: François Hollande will vote on a possible motion of censure

François Hollande at the Élysée in 2022.
François Bouchon / Le Figaro

While the new Prime Minister Michel Barnier continues his consultations at Matignon to form the government, the opposition is already putting forward its threats of censure. This is the case of the former President François Hollande. How do you expect men and women from the left to participate? ” he declared in particular. On the side of the resigning minister Roland Lescure – member of the Macronist left wing – his confidence in the government is not assured either.

Follow the political negotiations live on the website of Figaro.

The Paris ring road will increase to 50 km/h on October 1, announces Anne Hidalgo

Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo stands next to Place Denfert-Rochereau in Paris on August 25, 2024.
Teresa Suarez / via REUTERS

The mayor of Paris has announced that the speed limit on the Paris ring road will be reduced from October 1st, much to the dismay of users. It will drop from 70 km/h to 50 km/h. The objectives, according to the city’s climate plan: reduce nuisances for residents living near the ring road and reduce air pollution.

Passing the ring road at 50km/h, an environmental measure? Find the verification of the Figaro.

“Magnificent”, “successful”… the French and foreign press unanimously praise the closing ceremony

The best images from the closing ceremony of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games

Access the slideshow (12)

A success. Like the organization of these Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024, the last closing ceremony was hailed by the French and international press. “Farewell, Paris: you were chic, spectacular and showed how to organize beautiful Games,” wrote The Guardian, for example.

Find all the international reactions in the press review of Figaro.

Today’s number: 116

This is the number of private, non-contractual school structures that exist in France. An increase of 9 schools compared to last school year. By definition, these schools that are not funded by the State are not required to comply with the standards of National Education.

Quote of the day: what did Michel Audiard say about taxes?

Quote of the day.

The day is coming when we will have nothing but the “tax” on bones

Michel Audiard

The most striking photo of the news

Blindfolded in the back of a vehicle, the Russian soldiers were captured by Ukrainian forces as they continued their offensive towards the city of Kursk early last month.

Video of the day



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