David Lisnard believes that “the system torpedoed the hypothesis” of his nomination to Matignon
DayFR Euro

David Lisnard believes that “the system torpedoed the hypothesis” of his nomination to Matignon

While stating that he did not want to be appointed Prime Minister, the mayor of Cannes believes that JDD having “been blocked by those who think more about 2027 than about the country.”

For a moment, the name of David Lisnard to fill the role of Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron was mentioned. The mayor of Cannes was even received, at the end of August, by the President of the Republic, as part of the consultations initiated by the Head of State with several political leaders to get out of the crisis caused by the dissolution of the National Assembly and the result of the legislative elections, in July. But it was finally the Republican Michel Barnier who was appointed to Matignon, on Thursday, September 5.

“I’m not disappointed (…) because I wasn’t waiting”he assures this Sunday in the columns of JDD . “My name has indeed been circulating, but it is not my doing. [s’il n’a pas été choisi]. It would also be interesting to know why the system torpedoed this hypothesis.”he adds.

And to put forward his hypothesis, taking care not to put names on the said “system”nor give concrete examples: “I was blocked by those who think more about 2027 than about the country. There were blockages, oppositions of two kinds: from politicians and technocrats.” “They feared my arrival [au poste de premier ministre] rightly so. Because what I want is to put an end to this system that is ruining the country.”asserts the president of the Association of Mayors of France (AMF).

Entry into government?

The one who encourages the right to “participate in government but under certain conditions” “It’s not about doing ‘at the same time’, the content must be clearly anchored on the right” -, does not specify however whether he will be part of the future team that Michel Barnier must form.

Has he, at the very least, been approached? “It’s not something I would bring up in an interview, especially a few hours after the appointment of a prime minister.”he sweeps.


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