Marine Le Pen denies having actively participated in the nomination of Michel Barnier
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Marine Le Pen denies having actively participated in the nomination of Michel Barnier

Par Le Figaro with AFP

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In her stronghold of Hénin-Beaumont, the leader of the RN deputies denied information from the JDD according to which she spoke with Emmanuel Macron on Thursday, the President wanting to ensure that the new Prime Minister would not be censored before his general policy speech.

Marine Le Pen denied this Sunday from Hénin-Beaumont, in Pas-de-Calais, having actively participated in the nomination of Michel Barnier to Matignon. “I am not Emmanuel Macron’s HR director and I also think that only a prime minister from the National Rally can implement the National Rally’s project.”declared the leader of the LR deputies in front of the press, as she made her return to her stronghold, strolling through the Hénin-Beaumont flea market taking selfies and shaking hands.

Marine Le Pen was questioned about an article in JDD claiming that the President of the Republic had called her on Thursday to ensure that the RN would not censor the new Prime Minister before his general policy speech, following very critical remarks made by RN MP Jean-Philippe Tanguy. On Thursday, “I have not had any exchange with Emmanuel Macron”assured Marine Le Pen. “We were received by Emmanuel Macron, we said (…) what were for us the criteria, the conditions which would lead to an immediate non-censorship on the part of the National Rally, of the Prime Minister who would be chosen”she said.

“Unreasonable” censorship

Marine Le Pen felt that he “it would not be very reasonable to carry out censorship after the general policy speech (by Michel Barnier), which I also think will most certainly correspond on a significant number of subjects to the hopes that we have”. But the new government will be “judged on actions”she tempered.

While describing Michel Barnier as“respectful man”she said not to forget “that he spent his entire career in a political family that has done nothing but disappoint the French people in relation to the promises that have been made by this political family throughout the decades”.


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