Couple attacked in Paris, four arrested
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Couple attacked in Paris, four arrested

One of the two men was hit in the head with a broken bottle. He was taken to the emergency room with a life-threatening prognosis.

A man and his partner were attacked and one of them was seriously injured in the head on the night of Friday to Saturday in Paris, during a homophobic attack according to the victims, AFP learned from a police source.

“Bottle shard blow”

Four people suspected of having participated in this attack were arrested shortly after the events, the source said. These people, under the influence of alcohol, were placed in deferred police custody.

The police were called around 1am for a “brawl» between «about ten” of people on the Canal Saint-Martin, in the 10th arrondissement of Paris. On site, emergency services treated a man injured in the head after a “bottle shard blow” The man was taken to hospital with a life-threatening condition.

An investigation opened

Another man came forward to the police, explaining that he was the partner of the injured man and that they had been attacked by eight people because of their sexual orientation. Having “arm dermabrasions” (skin lesions), the man was also taken to hospital for treatment.

At 1:45 a.m., the police arrested four people not far from the scene of the attack. They were “recognized by a witness“, the source added. An investigation has been opened for “intentional violence committed using a bladed weapon because of the victims’ sexual orientation».


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