Macron, the breathless one at the great Barnier – Libération
DayFR Euro

Macron, the breathless one at the great Barnier – Libération

Current events seen by our cartoonist.

Monday September 2nd

Matignon: Bernard Cazeneuve, an unofficial favorite

Often mentioned, the former Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior seems to meet the condition set by the President of not gathering a majority against him. A part of the left, the right and the extreme right could hesitate to overthrow him. Read the article

Tuesday September 3

Hostages in Gaza: Netanyahu faces a country at the end of its tether

The news of the deaths of six people held in the enclave on Sunday has sparked an unprecedented protest, leading to a general strike. The demonstrators are calling on the Israeli prime minister to find an agreement to bring the prisoners back alive. Read the article

Wednesday September 4th

Budget 2025, in the total cash

Between a still vacant Prime Minister’s post, the announcement by Bercy of a probable worsening of the deficit and a tight budgetary calendar, the situation of public finances is becoming more and more worrying. And the parliamentary debate promises to be heated. Read the article

Thursday September 5th

Political crisis: Edouard Philippe charges, Emmanuel Macron sinks

In difficulty finding a new Prime Minister, the President is weakened by the officialization of the candidacy of his former head of government. Which takes date in the event of an early presidential election. Read the article

Friday September 6th

Michel Barnier, Marine Le Pen’s obligate at Matignon

Appointed this Thursday, September 5th to Matignon, the old LR veteran, a party that won 5.41% of the votes in the legislative elections, will have to navigate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, to whom he owes his nomination. Read the editorial


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