Croger, crookie, in mini or XXL version… The croissant has nothing to do with butter – Libération
DayFR Euro

Croger, crookie, in mini or XXL version… The croissant has nothing to do with butter – Libération


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Giant or miniature, mixed with cookie dough or replacing the bun of burgers, this emblem of French pastries has recently been revisited in all sauces, in mutations celebrated on social networks.

Walking past a shop while croissants are baking – it tickles the nostrils divinely – is undoubtedly one of the most common experiences for the French. With its crispy puff pastry, its buttery taste and its soft interior, it has the flavor of comfort. The croissant is anchored in our daily lives. In the country, we consume an average of 25 per person per year (or 1.8 billion sold in bakeries and baking terminals in 2021). However, this classic pastry par excellence has recently been the subject of a strange evolution, from Paris to Lyon via Amiens. A kind of quarrel between the old and the modern, between traditionalists and innovators, all against a backdrop of internationalist sauce, Instagram, TikTok, and Zendaya. Because since Covid, we have seen a whole bunch of mutant versions of the croissant arrive on the market: the croger, a contraction of croissant and burger, the crookie, where cookie dough is inserted into the croissant, the New York Roll with a rounded shape that can be eaten sweet or savory, and which is now found in bakeries all over the country, the XXL croissant or on the contrary the miniature version to be eaten like a bowl of breakfast cereal (offered with milk and fruit by the Merci Charles brasserie, in the 17th arrondissement of the capital). Or the “gelato croissant”, filled with Italian ice cream.

The French, never stingy with a certain sn


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