“How do we rebuild from ashes?” – Libération
DayFR Euro

“How do we rebuild from ashes?” – Libération

At the helm

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Mazan rape trialdossier

Caroline Darian, the daughter of the victim and the main accused, spoke for the first time this Friday, September 6 before the Vaucluse departmental criminal court. The two daughters-in-law also spoke about this family “cataclysm.”

She had about twenty minutes. Twenty minutes to summarize the demolition of not one life, but two lives. Between two videoconference expert reports, Caroline Darian, the daughter of Gisèle and Dominique Pelicot, spoke this Friday, September 6, late in the morning, before the Departmental Criminal Court of Vaucluse, “in the name of [sa] siblings». An echo of the united front that this family, catapulted by the horror of the violence, presents in the face of Dominique Pelicot, the main accused in this lengthy trial where 51 defendants appear, the majority for aggravated rape. “There was a before and after November 2, 2020, precisely at 8:25 p.m., my life literally changed,” declared this 45-year-old woman, after an emotional silence.

Author of the book testimony And I stopped calling you Dad (ed. JC Lattès), Caroline Darian has long been the only voice of the family. With a calm and assured tone, she draws behind this “cataclysm” a distant past: this “united family”, ce “affectionate, demonstrative dad”whom she refers to by her first name at court. “I liked the image of this father.” A banal picture completed by the declarations


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