Gennaro Sangiuliano has found himself embroiled in adulterous revelations with a young woman named Maria Rosaria Boccia. In an interview with RAI this Wednesday, he presented his resignation, rejected by the Italian Prime Minister.
Italian Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano, embroiled in revelations about an adulterous relationship, announced on Wednesday that he had handed in his resignation to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, who refused it. “The first thing I told her (Giorgia Meloni, editor’s note) is that I am ready to resign (…) She told me to move forward”said Gennaro Sangiuliano in a long interview Wednesday evening on the first channel of RAI, the public television.
He also made delicate public confessions about Maria Rosaria Boccia, a young woman who floods social networks with testimonies of their relationship. “It became a romantic relationship” last May, he acknowledged, claiming to have put an end to it “end of July, beginning of August”Maria Rosaria Boccia sparked a scandal by publishing on social media at the end of August her alleged appointment as advisor to the Minister of Culture for major events, which the latter was quick to deny.
“I ask my wife for forgiveness”
Maria Rosaria Boccia responded by publishing photos of herself with the minister at numerous public events, emails, boarding passes, etc., making headlines in the Italian press. With each of the minister’s claims, a married man who appears in some photos published by Rosaria Boccia without his wedding ring, the young woman demolishes his defense.
In his candid interview on Wednesday, he assured, bank account statements in hand, that he had personally paid all the expenses related to Rosaria Boccia’s various trips with him, and that not a single public euro had been spent. “The first person I have to apologize to, and who is an exceptional person, is my wife.”he said. “I also ask forgiveness from Georgia Meloni who trusted me for the embarrassment I created for her and the government”he added.
The opposition did not fail to seize on the matter, demanding the resignation of Gerano Sangiuliano. “The retention of Genaro Sangiuliano in the government is a case of therapeutic obstinacy”denounces Ivan Scalfarotto, senator of the centrist party Italia Viva, while Alessandro Zan, senior official of the Democratic Party (PD, centre-left), believes that this affair “puts the government’s credibility at stake”.