exchange of postcards at school, exhibitions, and other information

Writing culture. Adphile, a non-profit association created in 1986, chaired by Paul Dworkin and directed by Florence Fraboulet, financed by La Poste, is launching a platform, jécrisjetimbre, from its website intended for elementary schools to exchange postcards between classes throughout France in the pure tradition of “postcrossing” to which a site is dedicated, and of which we even find an echo within the Universal Postal Union (UPU)…

I write my stamp, intended for elementary classes.

I write my stamp, intended for elementary classes. DR/ADPHILE

This initiative is intended to encourage students to write, while encouraging the sharing of knowledge acquired in class or in their environment. For Adphile, it is also about giving students a taste for timbre and promoting it.

“Several tutorials will be offered to classes to work on specific themes using the stamp and help them design their postcards.”specifies the Adphile.

I am writing a stamp, aimed at elementary school classes.

I am writing a stamp, aimed at elementary school classes. DR/ADPHILE

Registration is simple and free.

The teacher of a class registers on the Adphile website – – then receives an identifier and code.

Then, the teacher is assigned a mailing address from another registered class, chosen at random.

He then sends (with his students) a postcard to this class with a message.

Iwritestamp, example of mail displayed in the gallery...

Iwritestamp, example of mail displayed in the gallery… DR/ADPHILE

Upon receipt, the teacher of the recipient class registers the card on the Adphil website.

This class then becomes eligible to send and receive postcards from other classes registered for the service.

In their space, classes will have several card counters on the platform: those sent and not received/saved and those sent and received/saved. The class can see their card “score” on their account.

A “gallery” will display all the cards received and saved. It will only be visible to teachers who have an account on the platform and are connected. For any information request: [email protected].

Jacques Jubert in Brou. The designer, painter and sculptor Jacques Jubert presents, from September 3 to 28, a hundred paintings and sculptures in the Saint-Marc chapel and in “La Vitrine” in Brou (Eure-et-Loir). The abstract works are grouped in the two rooms of the Tourist Office and the concrete works in “la Vitrine”, passage Bisson.

Jacques Jubert in Brou (Eure-et-Loir), from September 3 to 28.

Jacques Jubert in Brou (Eure-et-Loir), from September 3 to 28. DR/JACQUES JUBERT

The inauguration will take place on Saturday, September 7, at 6 p.m.

Jacques Jubert will be on site for the duration of the exhibition. Please note that on Fridays September 13, 20 and 27, at 6 p.m., an abstract work will be chosen and analyzed (genesis and anatomy) by the artist, to give those who wish some keys to initiation to abstraction (“Jacques Jubert. Paintings, sculptures”, from September 3 to 28, Tuesday to Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., in Brou. Free admission).

“Vagabondages. The dream maps of Nicolas Vial, by Nicolas Vial”. Gallimard, 128 pages, 35 euros. To be published on September 26.

“Vagabondages. The dream maps of Nicolas Vial, by Nicolas Vial”. Gallimard, 128 pages, 35 euros. To be published on September 26. DR/NICOLAS VIAL/GALLIMARD

Nicolas Vial on the menu. Nicolas Vial is the author of Vagabondages. The dream maps of Nicolas Vialto be published by Gallimard on September 26. The author presents 75 works painted on old and modern nautical charts. “In this atlas of a new kind, sometimes the map gives the painter the direction. Other times Vial tangles his brushes and sets ocean liners sailing in the China Sea and icebreakers in the Antilles. Dominica becomes the plume of smoke from a steamer and South Corsica the deck of an old sailing ship. Nicolas Vial navigates by imagination.”writes Philibert Humm, in a long preface full of poetry (Wanderings. The dream maps of Nicolas Vialby Nicolas Vial. Preface by Philibert Humm. Gallimard, format 24.5 x 32.5 cm, 128 pages, 35 euros).

A stamp for Admiral Mouchez on sale in Reunion. The French Southern and Antarctic Lands Territory (TAAF) will issue a stamp on September 21 and 22 at the TAAF headquarters in Saint-Pierre (Réunion), as part of the European Heritage Days, for the 150the anniversary of the success of the French mission to Saint-Paul Island for the observation of the transit of Venus across the sun by ship captain Ernest Mouchez (1821-1892) on December 9, 1874.

Stamp designed by Nadia Charles, on sale from September 21.

Stamp designed by Nadia Charles, on sale from September 21. DR/TAAF

The year 1874 gave rise to a significant effervescence in the international scientific community, the territory explains in a press release. An event, the transit of Venus in front of the Sun, is planned for December 9 of the same year. It has been 105 years since this phenomenon occurred. This observation allows scientists to refine the measurement of solar parallax and direct access to the distances between the planets in the solar system. Several places around the globe present sites of interest for the observation of this extremely rare phenomenon, including the southern islands, prime locations for scientists of the time.

“Amiral Mouchez”, TAAF stamp (1987) designed and engraved by Pierre Béquet.

“Amiral Mouchez”, TAAF stamp (1987) designed and engraved by Pierre Béquet. DR/TAAF

French astronomer, hydrographer and rear admiral, Ernest-Amédée-Barthélemy Mouchez, led one of the French expeditions to the island of Saint-Paul, in order to observe the astronomical phenomenon that the Academy and the relevant ministries had entrusted to him.

The crew of the Dives, a three-masted mixed transport aviso of 1,600 tons, is made up of seven scientific officers, to whom are added fourteen specialized sailors including the lieutenant of the ship Frédéric Turquet de Beauregard (1835-1906), an officer as versed as he in astronomical observations, the captain Charles Velain (1845-1925), geologist placed by the Sorbonne, and Auguste Lantz (1828-1893), naturalist curator of the museum of Saint-Denis, who will join this crew during the last stage of the voyage before arrival in Saint-Paul.

The “Dives”, TAAF stamp designed and engraved by Pierre Albuisson (2004).

The “Dives”, TAAF stamp designed and engraved by Pierre Albuisson (2004). DR/TAAF

The scientific team takes 489 photographs and draws the halo of Venus.

The TAAF are once again celebrating this expedition, with the territory’s website recalling that in addition to observation sites for the passage of Venus across the sun in 1874, built by the English, “The Kerguelen Islands also hosted an American expedition, based at Molloy Point, and a German expedition, based at Betsy Cove”.

The stamped block, worth 1.16 euros, put on sale at the TAAF headquarters in Reunion on September 21, designed by Nadia Charles, is offset printed and printed in a run of 16,000 copies.

Souvenir sheet drawn and engraved by Pierre Albuisson and André Lavergne, published in January.

Souvenir sheet drawn and engraved by Pierre Albuisson and André Lavergne, published in January. DR/TAAF

Note that TAAF stamps have already been issued on this theme… In particular this year, in January!…

TAAF stamp designed and engraved by Pierre Béquet, published in 2001.

TAAF stamp designed and engraved by Pierre Béquet, published in 2001. DR/TAAF

The artist Nadia Charles will be present at the TAAF headquarters on Saturday, September 21 at 2:30 p.m. and Sunday, September 22 at 10:03 a.m., for a book signing session.

Matthias Lambert, descendant of Admiral Mouchez, will also give a lecture on his ancestor at the TAAF headquarters on Saturday, September 21 at 2:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9:30 a.m. (TAAF Headquarters, 1, rue Gabriel-Dejean, 97410 Saint-Pierre, La Réunion).

Christian Broutin in La Roche-Guyon. A place created by the association Les Amis de Christian Broutin and dedicated to his work, Le Grain de sel, in La Roche-Guyon (Val-d’Oise) hosts exhibitions of paintings and illustrations by Christian Broutin, with themes that change several times a year.

Cover designed by Christian Broutin (1988).

Cover designed by Christian Broutin (1988). DR/GALLIMARD/BROUTIN

The last one, Fantastique Christian Broutin presents until September 8 works from his “Maxirealist” period and original illustrations notably from the Gallimard Jeunesse collection “The Book of Which You Are the Hero” (“Fantastique Christian Broutin. Paintings – Drawings”, Le Grain de sel, 7, rue de la Halle, 95780 La Roche-Guyon, Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., or by appointment at [email protected]. Tel.: 06-82-74-53-37. Free admission).

Pierre Jullien

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