Partial suspension of British arms deliveries, Biden criticizes Netanyahu… News from the conflict in the Middle East this Monday, September 2 – Libération

Partial suspension of British arms deliveries, Biden criticizes Netanyahu… News from the conflict in the Middle East this Monday, September 2 – Libération

“General strike” in Israel for the release of hostages

This Monday was a day of social unrest in Israel, at the initiative of the powerful trade union center Histadrut. The latter had called on Sunday for a “general strike” to put pressure on the Israeli government, in the wake of massive demonstrations following the announcement of the death of six hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Several large cities such as Tel Aviv and Haifa followed the strike order, announcing the closure of municipal services on Monday. Disruptions were also recorded at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion airport, where departures partially resumed at 10 a.m., after two hours of total interruption. But the movement was unevenly followed, with several municipalities, including that of Jerusalem, not responding to the order. Seized on the initiative of the Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich (extreme right), the Tel Aviv Labor Court finally ordered this Monday afternoon the immediate end of the strike, arguing that it was of a “policy” and not “economic».

In Jerusalem, the funeral of a hostage brings together several hundred people

Hundreds of mourners gathered outside Jerusalem’s Har Hamenuhot cemetery on Monday for the funeral of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, an Israeli-American hostage found dead in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, along with five other hostages abducted in the unprecedented Hamas attack on Israel on October 7. Goldberg-Polin, 23, was at the Nova music festival with three friends when the attack began. He took refuge in a roadside shelter. Two of his friends were killed, and he was captured wounded. CCTV footage shows his left hand amputated. He was among 251 people abducted in the October 7 attack. Currently, 97 hostages are still being held in the Gaza Strip, including 33 who have been declared dead by the army.

UK partially suspends arms exports to Israel

London announced on Monday its decision to suspend around thirty arms export licenses to Israel, out of a total of 350. Foreign Secretary David Lammy spoke to the British Parliament of a “risque“that these weapons be used”to commit or facilitate a serious violation of international humanitarian law” in Gaza. The minister then qualified his announcement: “This is not a general ban, nor an arms embargo”he stressed.

Joe Biden criticizes Benjamin Netanyahu over peace talks

The American president said Monday that the Israeli prime minister was not doing enough to reach an agreement for the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. When asked by the press, upon his arrival at the White House where he was to meet American negotiators, whether his ally in “was doing enough“To obtain an agreement, the head of state clearly responded”non“, He nevertheless assured that the negotiators were “very close” to being able to announce an agreement within the week. At this meeting, Joe Biden and the Democratic candidate for the presidential election, Kamala Harris, are to discuss “efforts to reach an agreement that will ensure the release of the remaining hostages“, according to the official statement. The United States, along with Egypt and Qatar, which have also imposed themselves as mediators, have been pushing for months for an exchange of hostages for Palestinian prisoners and a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Merchant ship hit by projectiles off Yemen

Two projectiles hit a merchant ship off the Yemeni city of Hodeida, under the control of Houthi rebels, on Monday, without causing any casualties, the British Maritime Safety Agency (UKMTO) said.Damage assessment is underway“, the agency said, adding that the “ship was heading to its next port of call“There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, but the area has been the scene of attacks for months by Yemeni Houthi rebels. The pro-Iranian insurgents, who control the city of Hodeida and large swathes of Yemen, have targeted ships they believe are linked to Israel, saying they are acting in solidarity with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. The attacks by the Houthi rebels have disrupted traffic in this maritime zone that is vital to global trade.


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