Which websites offer the best back-to-school deals?

Which websites offer the best back-to-school deals?

The summer holidays are coming to an end and it’s already time to go back to school. This time is also synonymous with shopping to be done for our young blond heads.

This back-to-school period, when stocking up on school supplies is essential, is a time that can unbalance the family budget. Fortunately, a large number of brands and online sales sites are playing the game by setting up interesting promotional offers in order to offer the lowest possible prices. If there are a large number of e-commerce platforms today, here are 5 that are particularly serious and whose shoulders are broad enough to offer attractive prices.

Cultura: the supplies specialist

Cultura offers all kinds of supplies all year round. There are a large number of physical stores throughout France, but you can also access all the products offered through their official website.

???? Discover Cultura offers

Not only will you find all the notebooks and other pens you need, but Cultura also has a particularly large bookstore area.

E.Leclerc: mini prices for the start of the school year

Known to all, the E.Leclerc brand exists in the form of numerous stores but also has an official website on which you can make your purchases.

???? Discover the E.Leclerc offers

E.Leclerc is renowned for its ability to put together very significant promotional offers to allow as many people as possible to access numerous products without completely exceeding their budget.

Cdiscount: discounted supplies + high-tech products

Unlike the two previous brands, Cdiscount does not have a physical store and all the items offered are accessible from their online sales site.

???? Discover the Cdiscount offers

The major interest of Cdiscount is the absolutely incredible number of products of all kinds offered. Of course, on the occasion of the 2024 school year, you will find a wide variety of supplies as well as school bags and backpacks at promotional prices. But Cdiscount is also a great specialist in high-tech products and you also have access to computers, calculators and touch tablets also on sale for the occasion.

Amazon: The giant that offers everything you need

Of course, this list would be completely shaky if it did not include the American giant Amazon, which probably enjoys the world record in terms of product variety and quantity of stock.

???? Discover Amazon offers

Like Cdiscount, the products offered by Amazon can only be purchased online. Capable of offering particularly aggressive prices, Amazon offers school bags and backpacks, all kinds of supplies and it is very likely that you will find what you are looking for there, even if it is a very specific product. Of course, the site has also created a selection of various products at reduced prices that you can receive for free at home thanks to Amazon Prime.

JPG: the office supplies specialist for 45 years

Less known to online shopping enthusiasts, JPG has nevertheless been a major specialist in office supplies for 45 years. Many companies call on them throughout the year.

???? Discover the Cdiscount offers

You can therefore find on the site all the office supplies you want and the Stationery and Filing departments are particularly important. It should be noted that JPG also offers desks of all kinds as well as storage spaces that can be very practical. You will also find all the computer products you need. On the occasion of the start of the school year, JPG is offering many products at reduced prices.

School Product Discount Sites: Are They Reliable?

The prices of school supplies offered for the 2024 school year can be particularly low. A legitimate question is whether this discount price is compatible with the quality of the products. In France, there are particularly strict regulations requiring manufacturers to meet strict quality and safety criteria. Thus, even at very low prices, the products sold comply with the regulations in force. It should be noted that the 5 brands presented above are particularly vigilant. You can therefore make your purchases there in complete safety.

This content was produced by an expert from the RMC Conso shopping team, independent of the RMC Conso editorial team. The prices indicated are given for information purposes only and are subject to change. RMC Conso may receive compensation when one of our readers makes a purchase via the links included in this article.


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