In a circular at prefectswhose content is revealed by the daily “Le Figaro“, The Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleauhas brought the required time to “at least seven years” to “at least seven years” French territory for a stranger which requires papers for exceptional admission to the stay.
According to this document, “exceptional admission to the stay of a foreigner in an irregular situation can only intervene in the absence of threat to public order“, calling for prefects” systematically matching the refusal of stay a measure having obligation to leave French territory “.
After a first circular devoted to the management of migration policiesa second on the strengthening of border surveillance and a third on relations with foreign consulatesas well as the reactivation of Ministerial Committee for Migration Affairsthen the appointment of a special representative of the Minister of the Interior responsible for this question, the France wants to give a strong signal concerning admissions to stay on its territory.
According to the circular, “for the purpose of ensuring effective integration, special attention must be paid to the control of the French language by applicants “. And add:” In this sense, the justification of a French diploma or a Linguistic certificationdelivered by a duly approved organization, or any other proof of a mastery of the language must be appreciated favorably “.
Likewise, regularization is only possible if the foreigner – which cannot, moreover polygamous – “undertake, by contract, to respect the principles of Republic“Explains Le Figaro.
-Regarding workers’ foreignersa list of Tension trades In France will appear in February, according to the same source, to supervise exceptional admission to the stay of professionals already inserted by work in hospitalsTHE Nursingthe restorationthe constructionl’agriculture or the boilermaking.
According to Le Figaro, the Retaille circular aims to reduce the flow of regularizations by about one third, to bring them from around 30,000 per year to 20,000.