Lucerne justice sentenced a 54-year-old man to two years and two months in prison, including one year, for having defrauded banks with seven Covid aid credits in four months. She also ordered the expulsion of this Italian born in Switzerland.
In its judgment made public on Friday, the Lucerne Criminal Court found the accused guilty of professional fraud, forgery of securities and money laundering. The defense announced that it would appeal this verdict.
Between May and July 2020, the previously convicted defendant requested Covid aid credits from seven banks, claiming that his businesses were suffering financially from the pandemic. He completed his first three queries in 20 minutes.
Five credits were granted to him for a total of 239,000 francs. The Italian used this money to finance his lifestyle and buy a design office, for which he also applied for Covid aid credit.
-In his requests, the accused put forward falsified turnover figures, false legal forms or false company headquarters.
In reality, the firms in question were hardly in business or had experienced financial difficulties before the Covid-19 semi-containment.