From the start of his interview on TF1, shortly after 8 p.m., Tuesday January 14, Olivier Faure sets the tone: “The account is not there”blurted out the first secretary of the Socialist Party. In his eyes, François Bayrou's statements on the future of pension reform are not, as they stand, satisfactory. Scolded by La France insoumise, the boss of the PS resumes, at least for a time, his clothes as an opposition executive. “At this point we will censor unless we have a clear answer” within 48 hours on the subject, he assures.
Twelve hours earlier, however, the atmosphere was completely different. “We are perhaps a few hours away from a possible agreement”cautiously advances the same Olivier Faure, around 8:40 a.m., on RMC, after long and difficult negotiations between his party and the government. The PS thus intends to achieve certain advances in the policy led by François Bayrou, in exchange for a non-censorship agreement which would see the socialists not add their voices to those of their allies on the left who wish, as of this week, to bring down the successor of Michel Barnier.
The demands relate above all to pension reform. The socialists want its suspension from the start of the renegotiation of the reform, envisaged for six months, and not only in the event of its success. The 65 deputies of the group became disillusioned in the afternoon. In his speech, François Bayrou certainly announces “bring this subject back to work, with the social partners, for a short time, and under transparent conditions”based on figures provided shortly by the Court of Auditors. But the head of government does not say the words “gel”, “suspension” or “pause”.
The PS also does not find in this general policy declaration other measures that it believed it had obtained. Previous versions of the finance bill aimed to eliminate 4,000 positions in National Education in 2025, but the Prime Minister did not mention them. “There is a gap between the promised measures and those announced. Yes, all hypotheses are on the table”estimates a PS executive at the end of François Bayrou's speech.
“We are asking ourselves the question of censorship, not unanimously, but still”adds a deputy. The elected socialists decide to meet after Boris Vallaud speaks, as group president. At the podium, the elected official from Landes shows his dissatisfaction. “Where are your commitments?”he tells the Prime Minister, evoking, in addition to the main issues, the contribution of high net worth, the tax on financial transactions and even expenditure on the public hospital. The socialist gives no indication of the final decision of his troops and decides to return the ball to the Prime Minister's court. “We are waiting to see what François Bayrou will respond to Boris Vallaud. We will meet afterwards to decide what happens next”we explain to the PS.
General policy declaration: “Where are your commitments?”, says socialist Boris Vallaud to François Bayrou
In his response, François Bayrou provides several details on his intentions. No, there is no “taboo”according to him, on the planned renegotiation between the social partners regarding pensions. There will also not be 4,000 cuts in teaching positions in National Education, promises the Béarnais, while emphasizing the recruitment difficulties. Spending on Health Insurance will be revised upwards, by 3.3% this year (compared to 2.8% initially planned), he adds, while a “anti-optimization tax for high net worth” is in project.
A few minutes later, during yet another exchange, Olivier Faure plays the attack and returns the ball to the Prime Minister's court before the scheduled start of the consultations on Friday. The day, however, left a bitter taste for the socialists who showed their desire to find an agreement. “I'm annoyed”breathes Jérôme Guedj, PS deputy. “François Bayrou has 48 hours to be truly reassuring, to give us guarantees.”
This long day at the National Assembly also shows the great fragility of the union of the left. The PS put the New Popular Front “on the ground” by negotiating with the government on pensions, accuses Jean-Luc Mélenchon in front of journalists. The leader of La France insoumise also mocks the concessions “grotesques” granted, according to him, by François Bayrou.
“It risks getting stuck with the NFP partners. We fear the rebels less than the PCF or the environmentalists”explained a PS executive before François Bayrou's speech. “We led the negotiations, we obtained things, but the environmentalists did not obtain anything on ecology, and that's a problem. That's the whole difficulty from the perspective of the union at LEFT.” One general policy statement later, the left could ultimately remain united: “Stability for stability’s sake means nothing. If you get stepped on, you have to say it”explains a deputy in favor of censorship.