“We are the best ally of the United States in the region”

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW – The young president, elected last year, explains his plan to revitalize his country, described by many specialists as a narco-state and where the legacy of the dictatorship remains largely taboo.

President Santiago Peña, 45, was elected last year to lead Paraguay, considered one of the most corrupt countries in Latin America. In an interview with Figaro given in Asuncion, the head of state from the very conservative Colorado party, rolls out his plan to revive a nation undermined by inequality and organized crime. Relations with the United States are one of the keystones of the country, which has not forgotten Uncle Sam’s support for the dictatorship of General Alfredo Stroessner (1954-1989), who came to power seventy years ago.

LE FIGARO. – GDP growth of around 5% per year, controlled inflation, monetary stability and fiscal balance… Paraguay’s macroeconomics are an exception in the region. The most optimistic speak of the South American “tiger”. But this “tiger” has fragile legs, judging by the persistence of inequalities, extreme poverty and undeclared work. How do you intend to revive the country? ?


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