Marine Le Pen returns to the Front – Libération

Marine Le Pen returns to the Front – Libération


Back to school

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After a year of retreat and while the RN deputies were returning to the Assembly this Sunday, September 15, their boss is determined to take back a central place. However, a trial will open at the end of the month that could decide otherwise.

She had tried to close the political sequence of the legislative elections, in mid-July, with a bitter interview in the magazine Current values, in which she half-contested the sincerity of the vote, spoke of“breach of trust” and placed the responsibility for his camp’s failure to win an absolute majority in the National Assembly on the shoulders of a “ultra-ideologized press on the far left”, in the service of a “single party”. Here is Marine Le Pen again, exactly two months later, relaxed, smiling, even joking, at the parliamentary return of her deputies, organized at the Palais-Bourbon on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September. The tone has lightened but the substance has hardly changed.

In front of her troops, the leader of the French far right still castigates a fantasist “single party” and the media, reduced to the rank of “commentators”, “who are all contradictory in passing”. “Never let yourselves be tossed around because you are not leaves”, she hammers home, in unison with her second number, Jordan Bardella, who in turn is ironic. “You are going to read a lot of nonsense during this new school year and I can only encourage you not to give in to these little manipulations that aim to depress you,” warned the president of the National Rally (RN), press cuttings in hand, before the party’s national council this Sunday.

Light and bullets

The operation is clear. At a time when the beginnings of the presidential election are already simmering


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