Rahmatoulaye Fall, a name that is not known to the general public. However, she has managed to gain fame on social networks thanks to her discovery, “Rahma’s class”. Distinguished by her oratorical performances, the certified teacher based in Ontario, Canada, maximizes the number of views, expands her audience and mobilizes minds. It pushes parents to achieve, with their children, success goals through new learning and education methods.
Passionate about the human sciences and antiquity, the lady specializes in oral African literature at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar. His teaching seems to be paying off well. It offers parents the right tools to instill a sense of leadership in their offspring. This is also the objective sought through the publication of his latest work entitled: “What if we decided to make our children leaders through conscious and caring education”.
Rahmatoulaye Fall, or Rahma to those close to her, is also involved in social issues. She regularly donates in kind and cash to vulnerable groups, schools and hospitals. She recently offered books and school supplies to a school based in the Saloum Islands, as well as resources for fine motor skills and an envelope of 700,000 FCfa to children in the child psychiatry department of Diamniadio hospital. Hand on heart, she judges that teaching by example can generate economic and social well-being and make everyone “a good patriot, a citizen of the world and a good leader”.