The village of Soussoume Sérère, in the commune of Ndiaganiao, was the scene of a tragic tragedy on Tuesday December 31, 2024. Ibrahima Faye, a 38-year-old driver, is accused of having fatally hit his cousin Adama Diouf, a young 19-year-old fisherman, during a violent altercation that occurred in their family home.
According to witnesses, the two cousins lived in the same compound and began to exchange harsh remarks before the situation degenerated into a fight. Ibrahima Faye then allegedly struck Adama Diouf with an iron bar on the left temple. Seriously injured, the latter collapsed, bathing in a pool of blood.
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The victim’s older brother, alerted by the screams, discovered his brother in critical condition. Rushed aboard a cart to the village health post, Adama Diouf succumbed to his injuries. After the tragedy, Ibrahima Faye hid in a bush near the village. The Ndiaganiao gendarmes, informed of the incident, quickly carried out research and arrested the suspect. Although he denied having used an iron bar, only acknowledging an altercation, his explanations did not convince investigators.
The alleged murderer was referred to the Mbour public prosecutor’s office to answer the murder charges against him. This tragedy plunged the village of Soussoume Sérère into dismay.
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