Bruno Le Maire joins ASML, Dutch semiconductor manufacturing giant: News

Bruno Le Maire joins ASML, Dutch semiconductor manufacturing giant: News
Bruno Le Maire joins ASML, Dutch semiconductor manufacturing giant: News

The former tenant of Bercy was authorized by the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP) to advise the key company in the semiconductor industry, under certain conditions.

A new cap for Bruno Le Maire. In addition to his activity as a guest professor at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland), the former Minister of Economy and Finance will become an advisor to the board of directors of ASML (Advanced Semiconductor Materials Lithography), the manufacturer Dutch semiconductor production machines, according to a spokesperson, notably taken up by BFMTV, Thursday December 19. But to exercise these functions for one of the key players in the industry, the former tenant of Beauvau first received the approval of the High Authority for Transparency in Public Life (HATVP).

Precise and strict conditions

The administrative authority, in particular responsible for ensuring compliance with ethics and alerting public officials to possible conflicts of interest, gave the green light this Thursday, estimating that “the project envisaged by Mr. Mayor is compatible with the public functions he has exercised, subject to respecting certain precautionary measures”. In its opinion, the HATVP specifies that Bruno Le Maire must not approach any member of the government in office, nor members of his cabinet, as long as they occupy public functions. These restrictions include services over which he had authority when he was at Bercy.

“This reservation is valid, for each of the people it covers, until the expiration of a period of three years from the termination of the employment relationship between Mr. Mayor and the person concerned”underlines the HATVP. Bruno Le Maire was minister from 2017 to 2024. Similar rules applied to former Prime Minister Jean Castex, when he was appointed head of the RATP by Emmanuel Macron in November 2022.

published on December 19 at 4:26 p.m., Joanna Wadel, 6Medias





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