The damage is colossal. An octogenarian living on avenue Victor-Hugo, in the 16th arrondissement of Paris, was the victim of a series of thefts while he was abroad where he lives for part of the year.
This former banker saw several sculptures and master paintings from his collection disappear. According to the Paris prosecutor’s office, the damage is estimated at “around fifteen million euros”. The investigation was entrusted to the Banditry Repression Brigade (BRB).
According to a police source, the thefts were committed between February and the end of December. Presumably, there would have been no signs of a break-in. While the owner of the apartment was abroad, only the cleaning lady had the keys to the apartment and knew the alarm codes.
Art lovers can be real targets for criminals. In January 2020, a collector of works by street artDominique Barlaud, was the victim of a traumatic home-jacking at his home in the Marais. Several individuals broke into his home. Again, there were no signs of a break-in.
While he had surprised the burglars, Dominique Barlaud had been held up by the barrel of a gun, before being hit with a rifle butt. His wife, also present, had also been beaten. That evening, the burglars preferred cash and diamonds to works of art hanging on the wall and installed on the shelves.