“an envelope of three billion has been released to allow operators to purchase the expected 300 thousand tonnes…” (Mamadou Faye, SG of Louga/Sonacos personnel)

“an envelope of three billion has been released to allow operators to purchase the expected 300 thousand tonnes…” (Mamadou Faye, SG of Louga/Sonacos personnel)
“an envelope of three billion has been released to allow operators to purchase the expected 300 thousand tonnes…” (Mamadou Faye, SG of Louga/Sonacos personnel)

On an awareness-raising mission to Kolda, Sonacos staff delegates intend to change tack for the development of the sector. This is how Mamadou Faye, Louga staff delegate, estimates that an envelope of three billion has been released for the smooth running of the marketing campaign.

At the same time, he specifies that this will make it possible to begin purchasing the 300,000 tonnes expected this year. And according to him, this new approach is part of a concern for national preference with the development of local industry.

According to Mamadou Faye, “we are in Kolda after Ziguinchor to raise awareness among our partners, in particular producers and economic operators, on the roadmap sent by the CEO of Sonacos El Hadj Ndane Diagne. And among other things, this address from the DG involves directing all the seeds to the factories. »

To this he adds: “our essential mission is to raise awareness among farmers so that they do not sell their production in the weekly markets. And this strategy does not help the State in its food sovereignty policy. Thus, with the purchase of seeds by Sonacos, the factories will have to operate to supply the entire chain and contribute to the development of the country. In this sense, this policy will fight against unemployment and rural exodus. Moreover, there are at least 7,000 jobs that will need to be created…”

With the restructuring of the factories, “we are expecting 300,000 tonnes which will have to keep the industries running almost all year round. Currently, funds are being put in place for producers to pay. Moreover, the DG has instructed that trucks must not exceed 48 hours of parking without entering their funds. In this sense, an envelope of three billion has been released to allow operators to buy peanuts…”




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