In Senegal, feminists plan to demonstrate naked on December 31. An announcement which sparked a strong reaction from Imam Ahmadou Mactar Kanté. The latter, interviewed by L’Observateur, is in all his states. “Nudity is totally forbidden in Islam, whatever the struggle,” he replies. He insists: “Here, we have the impression that feminists are saying that all means are good to achieve their end. [Or] religion opposes this way of seeing things. This, even if the ending is noble. For the interlocutor of the Future Media Group newspaper, feminists “are inspired by the means of struggle of the “Femen” movement” while this is “in no way” accepted by Islam. “These methods of struggle dishonor women in Islam, because the religion requires women to wear decent and complete clothing. From there to completely undressing supposedly to fight against the facts is catastrophic. […]. A Muslim woman who undresses in public, either she is unaware of her religion, or she doesn’t care… completely,” he says.