Why did the Benslimane worker refuse to grant water permits to the residents of Tizgha?

Why did the Benslimane worker refuse to grant water permits to the residents of Tizgha?
Why did the Benslimane worker refuse to grant water permits to the residents of Tizgha?

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Press – Benslimane

Surprisingly, local sources revealed that the governor of Benslimane province had refused to grant a license to a number of households in the Tigueza community to supply them with drinking water, despite requests made by residents there months old. Many observers were surprised by this exception, as some families’ requests were ignored despite following all official procedures.

According to sources on site, the complaints of residents who were deprived by the authorities of this vital service were completely ignored, without clear justifications, while it continued to be granted to other families without any legal justification. This situation has raised questions about how officials treat citizens’ rights and has caused a sense of anger and resentment among the population, who view the worker’s decision as an “excessive use of authority” and deprives him of one of his most important rights. fundamental and fundamental rights.

The talk about the water shortage does not stop there since the people concerned point out that this decision comes at a time when residents are suffering from the mediocrity of public services in the region, in particular the lack of lighting, at a time when the The city of Benslimane is preparing to be the “World Cup City” under the supervision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, making it a strategic tourist destination of great importance.


Citizens deprived of drinking water have decided to take serious measures to obtain their demands. They plan to send letters of complaint to the Ministry of the Interior and the Prime Minister’s Office. They are even considering filing a formal complaint with the Royal Court to request an urgent royal request. intervention to resolve this problem.

In the same context, a well-informed source confirmed that judges from the High Accounts Council will soon travel to the communities of Ain Tizgha and Al-Zayyida, to investigate a set of files, notably those related to construction permits. exploitation of land, and it seems that some have exploited these opportunities for personal gain. It appears that the population will witness new developments in the coming days regarding this thorny subject.




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