Stress and burnout at work “always more alarming”

Stress and burnout at work “always more alarming”
Stress and burnout at work “always more alarming”

A third of employees surveyed by Travail.Suisse say they are “very often” exhausted after a day of work (illustrative image).


Stress and exhaustion among workers is reaching ‘an ever more alarming level’, according to Travail.Suisse. Six out of seven workers (84.2%) are sometimes too exhausted, after a day of work, to still take care of their personal or family affairs.

For a good third of people, this is even ‘often’ or even ‘very often’ the case, a record, warns the union which presented its annual Barometer on working conditions on Friday. For its vice-president Léonore Porchet, the fight against stress must become ‘an absolute priority’, both for reasons of health protection and for the good of the national economy.

More than 770,000 employees are considering changing jobs next year due to the stress they experience.

The Barometer also points out the disadvantages suffered due to limitations due to health conditions. More than two thirds of people suffering from chronic illnesses and limited in their work do not benefit from any adjustment to their activity or their workstation, critic Travail.Suisse.





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