The Minister of Justice “extremely shocked” by the request to delete LFI

The Minister of Justice “extremely shocked” by the request to delete LFI
The Minister of Justice “extremely shocked” by the request to delete LFI

The condemnations of this bill are mounting among the Macronists and on the right. The Minister of Justice, Didier Migaud, said on Monday that he was “extremely shocked” and “resolutely against” the proposed LFI law aimed at removing from the Penal Code the offense of glorifying terrorism, which has sparked heated controversy.

“It is despicable, it must be fought with the greatest force (….) Freedom of expression has never allowed everything, there are limits to this freedom of expression”, continued the minister on the subject of the text carried by the LFI deputy from the North Ugo Bernalicis and his colleagues from insoumise.

« Inadmissible »

“From the moment the apology allows us to justify and excuse, to find mitigating circumstances for a terrorist act, it is unacceptable,” continued the minister, affirming that this must “be fought with the greatest force”.

“Put” this offense “in the right place”

The text proposed by LFI wants to remove the offense of apologizing for terrorism created by a 2014 law, considering that in this matter “the law of July 29, 1881 dealing with facts relating to the offenses of apologizing for crime, apologia of war crimes, of apologizing for crimes against humanity.”

The offense of glorifying terrorism had been removed from the law of 1881 to be included in the Penal Code in 2014. LFI wants to “put” this offense “back in the right place” in the law by removing it from the Penal Code, the boss argued on Sunday. LFI deputies, Mathilde Panot.




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