why Jean-Yves Le Drian calls on France to do it

why Jean-Yves Le Drian calls on France to do it
why Jean-Yves Le Drian calls on France to do it
LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP Jean-Yves Le Drian, here with Emmanuel Macron in June 2023, calls on France to recognize the Palestinian state.


Jean-Yves Le Drian, here with Emmanuel Macron in June 2023, calls on France to recognize the Palestinian state.

POLITICS – France’s recognition of the Palestinian state is ” essential ” to permanently calm the situation in the Middle East, judges former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense Jean-Yves Le Drian this Saturday, May 25, on the sidelines of the conflict between Israel and Hamas which is getting bogged down. A request already expressed and which he reiterated a few days after the decision to this effect by several European countries, including Spain.

“Personally, I think that this recognition has become essential if we want to keep the two-state solution alive, developing within secure and respected borders,” believes Jean-Yves Le Drian in an interview with Parisian. “Taking this action would give new strength to the only possible political solution in our eyes. Otherwise, it is endless war and, beyond the tragedy which strikes the Palestinian population in an indiscriminate manner, Israel will never be safe.he adds.

To date, 139 countries out of the 193 UN member states, mainly Arab countries, but also Asian, African and South American, have recognized the State of Palestine. On May 22, Ireland, Spain and Norway announced their intention to do so soon.

For Séjourné, it’s yes, but not now

What about France? French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné said the recognition was not “not a taboo for France” but the conditions are not met “to date for this decision to have a real impact” on the two-state solution process. “This decision must be useful, that is to say allow a decisive step forward on the political level”underlined Stéphane Séjourné in a written statement to AFP “In this perspective, it must intervene at the right time so that there is a before and an after”he added.

His predecessor at the Quai d’Orsay does not comment on the ideal moment in his eyes to take this step. But he warns against “the tragic impasse” current with “the radicalization of extremes” what are Hamas and “the disproportionate response” Israeli. He thus denounces “unlimited violence under the responsibility of Prime Minister Netanyahu, without definition of a realistic war goal” and the“use of indiscriminate hyperviolence, not respecting international law. » “This will produce generations of terrorists,” he warns.

After eight months of war, the Israeli response to the October 7 attacks is increasingly criticized and pressure is increasing on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The International Criminal Court has requested a warrant against the Israeli head of government and some of his ministers, as well as against the Islamist movement Hamas. France, unlike the United States, supported these demands.

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