Raphaël Glucksmann, the socialist bet


Raphaël Glucksmann, head of the list of the Socialist Party and Place publique in the European elections, in Paris, May 23, 2024. JULIEN DE ROSA / AFP

On April 26, the day started badly for Raphaël Glucksmann. The same morning, during her interview with Apolline de Malherbe on BFM-TV, the head of the list in the European elections for Place publique and the Socialist Party (PS) supported the management of Sciences Po, considering that she had “the right to decide to evacuate” the campus blocked by pro-Palestinian students. In the van that takes him to Printemps de Bourges, the former student of rue Saint-Guillaume discovers the extent of the blunder: absorbed by the campaign, he had not seen that the police had moved to the action. The images of helmeted and armed CRS taking young people out of school are playing endlessly on the news channels.

In a few hours, his exit took on the appearance of a political error: the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure, contradicted him, asserting https://twitter.com/faureolivier/status/1783579822666518869 that we “do not send the CRS to dislodge peaceful students”. La France insoumise (LFI) is enjoying it. “Difficult to follow”, sneers Essonne MP Antoine Léaument. Sitting in the back seat of the van, her team scratches their heads. Should we correct the situation? The decision was made to do nothing and let the controversy die down on its own. The essayist backpedals on May 7 on Europe 1, believing that it is not necessary “expelling students because they are demonstrating”.

For months, Raphaël Glucksmann has been facing attacks from LFI, which never misses an opportunity to attack him. They are added to those of the extreme right and the presidential camp. The tall, youthful physique continues to widen the gap with the rest of the left and threatens to dethrone the Renaissance candidate, Valérie Hayer. “The campaign is more violent than in 2019, but, paradoxically, I am experiencing it much better”, analyzes the person concerned. Aware that that year, it was also the oral which had failed, Raphaël Glucksmann called on a childhood friend to support him. We see this theater director walking his discreet figure on his many trips.

Being “part of the front” against Marine Le Pen

The candidate attracted strong support, former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, who had already voted for him in 2019. Wednesday May 22, the two men walked the streets of 18e district, distributing leaflets to onlookers, in front of a horde of cameras. The man of the “plural left” praised his “clear cape” on Europe, and welcomed the fact that it “opens up hope” For “a democratic left”who needs “to renew oneself” face “at the extremes”.

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