Brussels: a first restored part of the facade of the courthouse revealed (photos)

Lhe first restored part of the facade of the Brussels courthouse was unveiled Friday morning, in the presence of the Secretary of State for the Buildings Authority, Mathieu Michel. Located at the top of the front façade and overlooking Place Poelaert, this first section is now completely restored and freed from its scaffolding.

In August 2023, the Buildings Authority began the first phase of restoration of all of the facades of the courthouse, starting with the front of the imposing building. In collaboration with the design office “Perspectiv architecten” and the contractors Artes Woudenberg and Artes Roegiers, the work is progressing according to schedule.

Officially unveiled on Friday, this central part is topped by the three-meter-high bust of Minerva, the goddess of wisdom and guardian of human civilization. After being cleaned, the statue was carefully restored.

A first restored part of the facade of the Brussels courthouse has been unveiled. -Belga.

The renovation of the front façade – which covers almost 23,000 square meters – requires significant labor. “The stones and decorative elements are cleaned one by one, and if necessary, carefully repaired or replaced,” explained the Buildings Authority. Every day, some 70 to 80 people work on the site.

A first restored part of the facade of the Brussels courthouse has been unveiled. -Photo News

To maintain the original appearance of the courthouse, stones from the original quarries are used in the restoration. These mainly concern the quarries of Comblanchien, in the French region of Burgundy.

The peristyle is also the subject of restoration. Some parts have already been cleaned and the ceiling coatings are repaired. The other layers of the peristyle will then be refreshed, so that the whole regains its original color.

A first restored part of the facade of the Brussels courthouse has been unveiled.
A first restored part of the facade of the Brussels courthouse has been unveiled. -Photo News

In order to avoid water infiltration, the grouting will also be largely redone. Horizontal stone surfaces will be covered with a waterproof coating.



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