SENEGAL-PRESSE-REVUE / In the news, the reform and modernization of justice – Senegalese Press Agency

SENEGAL-PRESSE-REVUE / In the news, the reform and modernization of justice – Senegalese Press Agency
SENEGAL-PRESSE-REVUE / In the news, the reform and modernization of justice – Senegalese Press Agency

Dakar, May 24 (APS) – The national dialogue on the reform and modernization of justice, scheduled for Tuesday, is one of the topics highlighted in the daily newspapers received Friday at the Senegalese Press Agency (APS) .

The President of the Republic Bassirou Diomaye Diakhar Faye will chair, Tuesday, at the Abdou Diouf International Conference Center (CICAD) in Diamniadio, the opening ceremony of the fourth edition of the National Dialogue, focused on the theme: “Reform and modernization of justice”.

As a prelude to the event, the Senegalese presidency launched, Thursday, in Dakar, the online platform Jubbanti (, straighten, in Wolof) intended to collect citizens’ concerns.

”The functioning of the Senegalese justice system is the subject of much criticism. The question of the independence of Justice, and that of a good Administration of Justice were at the heart of the debates. Newly elected as head of the country, it is the President of the Republic, Bassirou Diomaye Faye, who has the difficult task of putting Senegalese justice back on track. Moreover, on Wednesday April 3, 2024, during his speech to the nation, President Bassirou Diomaye Faye announced that he was going to organize a conference bringing together professionals in the profession, writes L’Observateur.

The newspaper adds: ”They will start on May 28 under the theme: +The reform and modernization of Justice+. The announcement was made by the Head of State during the Council of Ministers on April 17, 2024. From these meetings, President Bassirou Diomaye Faye intends to restore the image of Justice, to give it the price it deserves and reconcile it with the people to whose name it is returned.+ What those involved in Justice also want. They will be there with, in binders, lists of previously drawn up proposals which they will submit to the head of state.

”On May 28, justice stakeholders will meet around the President of the Republic (…) for sector meetings. Justice and its evils will be scrutinized. Recently the Court of Auditors published several reports and those responsible were singled out. Senegalese people are demanding that the light be shed,” notes Sud Quotidien.

The newspaper recalls that previously, ”for several years, justice has been under fire from criticism. Files implicating political leaders of the opposition hastily emptied, to serve the Executive, close to the regime who are never worried, despite being singled out by audits, are all grievances raised by Senegalese”.

”The judicial debate is also a request for reform of the Superior Council of the Judiciary (CSM). Certain actors want a withdrawal of the Executive, in particular the President of the Republic and the Keeper of the Seals, from the functioning of this Council, in order to guarantee more independence, especially in relation to the management of the careers of magistrates,” adds the publication.

In Le Soleil, the Head of State explains that ”this approach is part of our common commitment to justice that is more transparent, efficient and accessible to all”.

”Justice is the foundation of our society, embodying our values ​​of fairness, impartiality and protection of rights. For it to be fully realized, it must constantly evolve, adapt to the needs of society and meet the expectations of citizens,” says President Bassirou Diomaye Faye.

Speaking of this national dialogue, Kritik displays on its front page: ”Scalpel cut on a dying patient”.

”Diagnoses and remedies of a capital, decisive and central power for a democracy. The construction site is vast. But with the declared will of the new power, there is hope if the actors, at various levels, assume their responsibility and agree to put their finger on the gaping wounds which paralyze the Senegalese judicial system. From the proven freedom of magistrates and the necessary separation of powers, the role of the chancellery, the status of justice personnel but also other in-depth ruptures to diagnose the evil,” writes the newspaper.

Vox Populi notes that ”to guarantee a fruitful dialogue, several mechanisms will be put in place: working commissions specialized in reform and modernization, scientific commission responsible for summarizing and reporting the acts of the dialogue, discussions and debates will be open for five days under the supervision of the Ministries of the Interior, the Armed Forces and Justice.




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