Federal negotiations: the King extends the training mission of Bart De Wever

Federal negotiations: the King extends the training mission of Bart De Wever
Federal negotiations: the King extends the training mission of Bart De Wever

LThe King on Thursday asked the president of the N-VA, Bart De Wever, to continue his work with a view to forming a federal government “within a reasonable time”. The trainer will report again on November 4.

The date of November 4 corresponds to the Monday back to school after the fall holidays.

“His Majesty the King received Mr. Bart De Wever in audience at the royal palace in Brussels. Mr De Wever reported to him on his mission with a view to the formation of a new government. The King asked him to continue his work in order to carry out his mission within a reasonable time frame. Mr. De Wever will make a new report to the King on November 4,” said the palace press release.

The royal audience lasted an hour. This was the second interim hearing for the president of the N-VA since he returned to the saddle on September 2.

Since then, negotiations have taken place at the speed of an omnibus and no longer a TGV, according to the railway metaphor used by Bart De Wever. The municipal and provincial elections having passed, the parties expected to form the future coalition intend to accelerate the tempo.

Deadline time

The main negotiators from the N-VA, MR, Engagés, Vooruit and CD&V met on Wednesday for a first meeting. It was devoted to the working method for the coming weeks.

The deadlines are getting closer. The trainer wants to reach an agreement in mid-November so as to submit a draft budget to Parliament before the end of the year and launch the reforms announced next year.

CD&V president Sammy Mahdi is on the same wavelength. The Christian Democrat calls for the entry into force of certain tax measures from 1is January 2025.

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“It would be ideal to have a government for the first week of December, that would allow us to vote on the budget,” declared the president of the MR Georges-Louis Bouchez, Thursday on LN24.

Belgium is subject to an excessive deficit procedure and has obtained from Europe a deadline until the end of the year to submit a program to consolidate its finances. In mid-November, the European Commission is expected to present its recommendations for the country. If Belgium delays too long, it risks being imposed a four-year consolidation trajectory when it wants to obtain a seven-year derogation.

Continuation of negotiations

From this Thursday, work will intensify, a reliable source was assured on Wednesday, starting with the thematic notes. When Mr. De Wever resumed training, it was agreed to first devote himself to the dozen working groups dedicated to specific subjects, excluding taxation and employment (energy, mobility, justice, security, defense, external relations , etc.). Over the past weeks, various representatives from the five parties have reviewed the thousands of amendments to the starting notes provided by the N-VA. These have been reduced to around 200, it was reported last week. In some of them, the work has progressed well, in others, it is less advanced, or has even stalled, as in the area of ​​immigration where the N-VA’s proposals go poorly or are even categorically rejected by certain partners.

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A new plenary meeting is planned for next week between the presidents. Negotiations will follow in a “central group” (i.e. the main negotiators from each party) to resolve the remaining points of difference.



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