François Bayrou warns Gabriel Attal and Gérald Darmanin after their repeated criticism of the choices made by the government

François Bayrou strongly criticized former members of the government who made numerous criticisms of the 2025 draft budget. For the High Commissioner for Planning, the choices made serve precisely to correct the record of the former majority .

During an interview with JDD, on newsstands this Sunday, François Bayrou found it “singular” that voices within the Macronist camp criticize the government’s draft budget while the latter is drawn up “to correct” the balance sheet of the former majority. “It would be strange for the ex-majority to criticize the new government on the effort to be made to correct a record which is in reality its own,” noted the president of the MoDem.

These declarations particularly target Gabriel Attal, former Prime Minister and president of the Macronist group Ensemble pour la République in the National Assembly and the former Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin who have repeatedly opposed any tax increase. .

“Parliament must once again become the place for discussions, negotiations and the development of compromises. Let those who do not agree propose amendments,” suggested François Bayrou in this context.

“An emergency budget”

“I am not in favor of organizing guerrilla warfare, especially when we belong to the main current from which this government was formed,” he declared. The 2025 draft budget, presented on October 10 to the Council of Ministers, provides for 60 billion euros in budgetary efforts, with a third of tax increases and two thirds of savings.

But there is no consensus on this distribution: the High Council of Public Finances adopted a different reading where the tax effort would in reality represent 70% of the burden. This presages heated debates in the Assembly where examination of the text begins on Wednesday in Committee.

It is “a crisis budget”, “an emergency budget”, “everyone would have liked to avoid this situation”, commented the founder of MoDem.

He still warned against budget cuts which would affect local authorities “indiscriminately” while the government’s copy provides for an effort of 5 billion euros requested from departments and municipalities.



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