live, a journalist saves a woman caught in water currents (video)

The state of Georgia, in the United States, has been hit since Thursday by storm Helene which has already killed 44 people. This Friday, while live, an American journalist saved the life of a woman trapped in the water.

A miraculous rescue. A Fox News journalist came to the aid of a woman caught in the water currents caused by storm Helene, which has been affecting the southeastern United States for several days, while he was live on television .

The city of Atlanta, in the state of Georgia, is facing cumulative amounts of rain not seen in 104 years. Many roads have therefore turned into real traps.

Thus, while he was live on television to discuss the evolution of the hurricane on the side of a flooded road, Bob van Dillen, journalist from Fox News, reported the cries of distress of a woman that he heard in the background, after calling for help.

At the same time, the man tried to reassure this woman: “It’s going to be okay, everything’s okay! I notified the emergency services, it’s going to be okay!”

However, faced with the latter’s frightened cries, Bob van Dillen finally decided to jump into the water and “go and see if he can do anything to help her.”

While the camera continued to film, the journalist took his courage in both hands and went to rescue the woman, who had ventured too far with her car: “I just took my wallet out of my pocket and I I went,” he explained.

A few minutes later, Bob van Dillen reappeared with the driver: “She was frozen, we put her in a car and I gave her my jacket,” he added.

According to him, his act of bravery was not that complex, thanks to the absence of violent current and the correct temperature of the water at the time of the rescue.



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