When the jackpot swells by 64 million in three days!

When the jackpot swells by 64 million in three days!
When the jackpot swells by 64 million in three days!

And four! Since the start of the year, Loterie Romande and the other EuroMillions partner lotteries have already offered a Super Jackpot in January, March and June. Rebelote, this evening where 125 million are at stake, or 64 million francs more than Tuesday which did not find any lucky people. An ideal gain for a dream stay, and much more, on the eve of the autumn holidays! You could, for example, buy a small island in the Caribbean. Or if you play it more pragmatic, with a minimum return, your fortune will increase by a million per year.

If you say to yourself: “Yes, but luck is for others, right?” There you are wrong. On February 26, 2021, a resident of the country won 230,223,000 francs. In French-speaking Switzerland, the record was set at 115,507,763.75 francs on the basis of a ballot completed in Valais, on August 23, 2013. In the event that this fourth Super Jackpot of 2024 is won this evening, this would be the fourth biggest gain in Switzerland and the biggest jackpot ever recorded by LoRo.

To win the prize, nothing could be simpler. All you have to do is check five correct numbers and two star numbers. You still need to have your ballot validated at one of the Loterie Romande points of sale before 7:30 p.m. or on the website www.loro.ch. Let’s also remind players who have team spirit that they can play with others using a “group bulletin” with friends, colleagues, parents. This friendly newsletter can bring together up to ten people. Each participant has the same chances on all grids played and receives their own receipt. Costs and gains are thus shared equally between all members of the group.

Even if you don’t pocket the jackpot, at the end of the EuroMillions draw, Swiss Win, a second draw of five new numbers out of 50, still offers you three rows of prizes between 25.- and 150,000 francs. Remember to have any winnings from your two games checked at one of the points of sale, it would be a real shame to miss out on some good news. And may Fortuna, the goddess of luck, be favorable to you. Everyone to your bulletins!



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