A chain of fraud dismantled, 2 arrests one by the D

A chain of fraud dismantled, 2 arrests one by the D
A chain of fraud dismantled, 2 arrests one by the D

Two people were arrested, one by Senegalese Customs, and the second by the Criminal Investigation Division (DIC). L’Observateur, which provides the information, reveals a vast fraud “of falsified Treasury checks and imports without declaration” uncovered at the Autonomous Port of Dakar (PAD.

It appears from the first elements of the investigation, reports the newspaper of the Future Media Group, that “the facts take place between 2019 and 2023”. With the support of the “Gaindé” system, the soldiers of the economy estimate the financial carnage at 8 billion CFA francs, according to the same source.

Alongside Senegalese Customs, the DIC is also opening an investigation. Which resulted in the arrest of “one of the beneficiaries of the false checks”. The accused joins a freight forwarder stuck by Customs. The two are being prosecuted for importing prohibited goods, importing without declaration, money laundering, embezzlement of public funds, forgery and use of forged bank records, L’Observateur list. The case is under investigation.

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