Moby at the Vaudoise Arena, memories without nostalgia

Moby at the Vaudoise Arena, memories without nostalgia
Moby at the Vaudoise Arena, memories without nostalgia

Published on September 26, 2024 at 12:48 p.m. / Modified on September 26, 2024 at 8:19 p.m.

At the very end of his concert, alone on stage, he climbs onto a table and spreads his arms to thank the audience at the Vaudoise Arena, who came to Prilly to attend the final concert of a seven-date European tour. It had been more than ten years since Moby had last performed on stage, and this return coincides with the 25th anniversary of Playthis electro-pop album which had allowed him in 1999 to finally reach a wide audience, after a more underground start to his career. Before the sound system spit out the recording of the technoid track Thousandhe shares this anecdote: “I first came to Switzerland in 1992 to take part in a rave, and I had composed this piece just before. Since then, it has concluded all my concerts.”

Moby had already been to Lausanne, in 2009 at the Docks, and finding him in the grounds of the Lausanne Hockey Club proves that he is, at 59 years old, gaining the status of cult artist. We have a vaguer memory of his appearance at the legendary Dolce Vita, one Sunday evening, in front of a hundred people, at the time when he was more punk-rock oriented. But there is no trace of this concert in the beautiful book dedicated to the history of this small club in the capital of Vaud which, in its time (1985-1999), welcomed some great people – Red Hot Chili Peppers, Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth, Alain Bashung, Stephan Eicher, etc.

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