Extension of abortion deadline: Arizona members stick to their positions

Extension of abortion deadline: Arizona members stick to their positions
Extension of abortion deadline: Arizona members stick to their positions

Arizona parties will reject abortion bills in the House, multiple sources said Tuesday as the Justice Committee opened general discussion on the bills.

The PS, Ecolo-Groen, the PTB and the Open Vld have submitted bills on this sensitive issue that already divided Vivaldi during the last legislature. They reflect the conclusions of a committee of experts submitted in March 2023 and are based on extending the period within which an abortion can be performed to 18 weeks as well as removing the reflection period.

These texts in principle have a majority to be approved. But the probable future federal coalition is divided on the issue. The N-VA and the CD&V oppose this reform, Vooruit supports it, the MR and the Engagés leave the freedom to vote to their deputies.

On Monday evening, the formateur Bart De Wever (N-VA) sent a press release announcing that the five parties had agreed to reject the parliamentary texts that did not achieve consensus among them “regardless of their position on the substance”. This is in order to guarantee the serenity of the negotiations with a view to forming a federal government.

The PS, Ecolo-Groen, PTB and Open Vld presented their proposals on Tuesday. The committee rejected a request for hearings from Vlaams Belang. The general discussion has therefore begun. Will the committee come to a vote? Probably yes. In that case, the bills would be rejected even if several Arizona MPs support them in substance. The timing of a possible vote is not yet known. The committee has provided for the possibility of continuing its work on Wednesday.




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