Still no government, the Prime Minister meets Horizons and the Modem


“The president presides, the government governs”: for his first field trip since Michel Barnier’s appointment to Matignon, Emmanuel Macron applied the executive’s new motto to the letter on Tuesday, inaugurating, with restraint, a Sanofi group vaccine factory in the Rhône, near Lyon.

No big speech, no announcements, no exchange with the press: the head of state, very isolated since the dissolution of the Assembly and the political earthquake that followed, has put on his presidential clothes in the background, leaving, for once, the new right-wing Prime Minister in the front line.

“Scent of cohabitation”, “demanding coexistence”: the Élysée has promised a new era after the defeat of the presidential camp in the legislative elections, while the Macronists, associated with the Republicans, are preparing to be re-elected to the government.


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